Slide 4: Proclaiming, Not “Reading.” Tutorial Overview.

Slide 04

A lector PROCLAIMS Sacred Scripture. 

You are not a talking head dispassionately “reading” a TV news story or some mundane report at a boring seminar. You are charged with effectively delivering a message from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to each individual at your Mass. You are emulating the angel Gabriel. The Bible tells us about three visits by Gabriel. 

First, in the Old Testament, to Daniel explaining visions. 

Second, in the New Testament to Zechariah stating that he would be the father of John the Baptist. 

Third to Mary announcing that she was chosen to be the mother of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Messiah. 

You, too, will be delivering God’s message to his people. Therefore, you are one of Gabriel’s Helpers.

How are the next two tutorial sessions structured? 

The Second and Third sessions build your skills and insights using the step-by-step learning process. 

These include fundamental proclaiming components, techniques, tips and common pitfalls.

The 2nd session has the Eight Steps to Success.  Included are a few familiar scripture texts and some that are more challenging.  All are proclaimed by experienced lectors. 

The 3rd session details the nine steps you should consider taking on the day of your scheduled proclamation.